Wednesday, 11 February 2009

Milk fibre for baby wear

Jane Smith reports from Expofil

10 February 2009, Paris - Italian spinner Filati Maclodio are promoting their Milkofil range of yarns this season at Expofil. This is an innovative organic and healthy yarn derived from milk. This extraordinary yarn is particularly suited for contact with the skin in clothing, underwear, and bedding. Fibre that is made from casein, which is the main protein in milk, has long-term emissions of negative ions. It is thus beneficial for air quality, it stimulates blood circulation, is a natural antibacterial agent and is sterile. The fibre can be seen used in combinations of many other natural fibres such as cotton, linen, silk and cashmere, and even with Lempur which is a wood fibre. The milk fibre forming anything between 35% to 70% of the total composition.


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